January 12th 1970 Karl commenced working with the Victorian Railways
at its printing works in North Melbourne as a Junior Clerk .
May 1970 transferred to Burwood Station as Station Assistant.
August 1970 trained as a Signalman then October same year Signal Assistant McKinnon.
November 1970 transferred to Oakleigh "A" Signalbox as Signalman class 4.
April 1972 Transferred to Dimboola Signalman Class 3.
September 1972 Signalman Class 1 Caulfield.
October 1973 Signalman Special Class Flinders Street "B" Signalbox.
December 1974 successfully attained the qualification of "Block and Signal Inspector".
January 1975 Signalman Special Class Flinders Street "D" Signalbox (Princes Bridge).
July 1975 Acting Block and Signal Inspector Metro Superintendents office (Flinders Street)
June 1976 Block and Signal Inspector Western District - Ballarat. Supervising the lines and Safeworking locations
between Sunshine to Ballarat and Ararat and branches. Ballarat to Maryborough to Mildura and Yelta and branches
June 1981 Transferred to METROL Batman Avenue Melbourne work to introduce signalling for the Underground Rail Loop
May 1983 Dimboola as Depot Manager - Managing Train Crews and signalling - introduction of the CTC system of signalling
between Dimboola and SA Border.
November 1984 Ararat - Depot Manager - Industrial Turmoil"
1985 Ararat - no gazetted position worked on special duties for projects in the
Western Region - Introduced "Two Man Crewing
1986 - 1988 Appointed to Operations Officer North West District based in Ararat covering the depots at Hamilton,
Portland, Mt Gambier, Horsham, Murtoa, Dimboola and Warrackneabeal.
July 1987 - Purchased Historic Residence in Ararat - Decided to make Ararat his permanent family home
and work anywhere in Victoria
1989 - Melbourne Head Office - Driver Only Project.
1991 - Returned to Ararat - Operational and Safeworking Officer and remaining duties of Operations Officer (several depots closed)
1992 to 1995 Western District - Operations and Safeworking Officer - Metro boundary to Warnambool, Serviceston, Mildura/Yelta,
Robinvale and Kulwin (Half the state of Victoria)
December 18th 1995 Accepted Voluntary Separation Package
End of a Railway Career (at that time)
(Reason was to spend time with his Family.
As can be seen from the previous posting, most of his time would have been spent away from home & the History Page will explain in more Detail).
1996 - House Dad and House Husband between odd jobs with railway contractors
- also started A9 Software Company but never made a career of it.
1997 - 1998 Signalman Prynees Loop and Maroona - close to his family and home every night.
Late 1998 Sets up Labour Hire Company "Q Line Grid"
January 1999 - Provides Labour Hire, Safeworking Support and Operational Management to
the re-sleepering project Maroona - Pura Pura.
2000 - 2002 - Rail Re-Vitalisation Project Wodonga to Wolseley (South Australia) - Providing Safeworking and Operations Support
and Management.
2001 - 2003 Track Welding and Track Maintenance - State Wide (Victoria).
2003 - Bairnsdale - Providing Safeworking and Operations Support and Management for the return of
Passenger Services - Sale to Bairnsdale.
2003 to 2005 - Freight Australia - Safeworking and Signalling Support together with training and implementation of
the Regional Fast Rail Project. Geelong, Ballarat, Bendigo and Traralgon.
2005 to 2007 - Pacific National "Manager Network Signalling" responsible for all Regional Signalling Track Access
and incident response management.
2007 to 2016 V/line - Manager Network Signalling.
The intervening period included Signaller and Train Controller Training, Assessments, re-assessments support access for the Regional Rail Link Project,
train Train Controllers and implement RRL Signalling.
December 2016 - Ceased work as Manager Network Signalling and worked part-time (3 days a week) on GrainCo's Re-Gen Project.
Providing Signalling and Operational Management support.
December 6th 2019 - Contract with V/Line ceased (this was also the day that marked 50 years since immigrating
to Australia) Retired from Main Stream Rail Work and re-instated Qline Grid Pty. Ltd.
January 12th 2020 -
50 Years Service to the Rail Industry in Australia and continuing............Maybe
January 20th 2020
Devoting his retirement time for the remainder of 2020 to Volunteer in the "post bush fire"
recovery process in his treasured holiday destination
Mallacoota That was devastated
by a
bush fire on New Years Eve 2019
Unfortunately, COVID-19 put a stop to that activity and on the 28th of March that same year, Karl
had to leave Mallacoota and return Home for the lock-down.
But all was not lost, during the Lock-Down He designed, developed, donated and is hosting (Free) MallacootaFundraisingGroup.com.au
The Future is to work Voluntarily for Conservation & The Environment (Post COVID Restrictions).
End of Text - January 2021